You are here: Ideal Kitchen Monitor > Ideal Kitchen Monitor Server > IKM Setup Menu > Screens

Screens - IKM Server

Screens indicate how many display monitors will show the kitchen orders.

Screens have an additional function that can allow them to use the Customer Order Display.

At least one screen needs to be configured before any orders can be displayed.

A screen can be connected to a Server, a Client or both.

The number of screens that are able to be used at any one time is determined by the IKM registration.


You can Add, Modify or Delete any Screens.



Screens are configured according to the settings that are able to be applied.

Screens that are attached to a Server will allow you to use the Customer Order Display, whereas Clients will not.

When configuring screens you cannot change the Code field that is generated, but you can rename the Description field to a custom description relevant to the installation.



Server Screen Settings

When programming screens for IKM Servers, you will have the selection of three tabs which are Display Settings, Bump Bars and Order Format.

When programming screens for IKM Clients you will have the three tabs, plus an additional tab called Printer Associations.